
Thank you for visiting the world's greatest search engine for quotes of The Office!
This site was originally created as an exercise to learn web app development. It is a work in progress. Complain to me on Twitter if you happen to find any bugs. I'd be happy to look into them. Screenshots would be helpful.
The data set was found somewhere on the internet. The description touted it as "The Office scripts". I have found a couple of incorrect lines in my testing but I'm sure more exist. Eventually I'll add a way to report bad quotes.
As for being a fan of The Office, my credentials include taking a week long vacation in Scranton, PA. Unless you've done that, I am probably a bigger fan than you. Have you ever been to Poor Richard's Pub? I have and I'm sorry if this upsets you.
I also run a tech blog at tynick.com if you are into that sort of thing.